Dave Peticolas writes:

 > That's my best guess right now. All those strings are being passed
 > through gettext before display. Are any of the following environment
 > variables set:

Aha!  I had LANG=en_GB set.  After unsetting this the headings appear
as they should.  Just to be clear, it is the setting at run-time, not
compile-time which matters.

This was an executable I had alread compiled after installing GNU
gettext, so I can't say whether this would have fixed it with the
Solaris gettext.  It may be that this is sufficient after all.

Presumably gnucash *should* work in multiple languages/locales so
maybe there's some other underlying problem?  

In addition, there's one more change needed for a Solaris compile
which I omitted to mention before.  I had to include "-lcurses" in
the final link of gnucash.gnome (to LIBS in src/gnome/Makefile.in) to
resolve some curses symbols.  I wasn't aware that gnucash required
curses, but perhaps this should be checked for in the configure

Dr Keith Refson,        "Paradigm is a word too often used by those who would
Dept of Earth Sciences      like to have a new idea but cannot think of one." 
Parks Road,                  -- Mervyn King, Deputy Governor, Bank of England
Oxford OX1 3PR, UK        
Keith.Refson@                       Tel: 01865 272026
             earth.ox.ac.uk         Fax: 01865 272072

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