I've been using trying to successfully compile gnucash for a while
now, and have been, for various reasons, unsuccessful. Since, I'm sure
that everyone else in the world has been able to get this thing to compile,
I must have something mis-configured and I'm hoping that someone can point
me in the right direction.
First, I'm running a Debian Potato(e) system, up to date to about a week
ago. I have all of the packages installed that the README identifies as
required to compile the source (I think), but I'm still having problems. I
started trying to use the tarballs, which didn't work. Most recently, I've
tried going directly to the publicly available CVS, and I'm having the same
problems, so it doesn't seem to be the source.
The error messages that I get during configure are:
configure: warning: Cannot find Xpm library -- gnome build disabled . . .
configure: warning: Cannotfind libgtkxmhtml -- gnome build disabled . . .
configure: warning: Cannotfind libxml -- gnome build disabled . . .
I have gnome installed. I've checked and
libXpm.so.4 and .4.11 are in /usr/X11R6/lib,
libgtkxmhtml.a, .la, .so, .so.1, and .so.1.0.1 are in /usr/lib, and
libxml.a, .la, .so, .so.0, .so.1, and .so.1.8.2 are in /usr/lib.
And during the configure, the program correctly identifies the location of
the X libraries as /usr/X11R6/lib.
I'm running out of ideas. Does anyone have an idea how to get the gnome
build configured?
BTW, when I give up on gnome and try to make the motif build, everything
crashes and burns when I get to the g-wrap step. I've obtained the g-wrap
source from the ftp site and built it without incident. Its in
/usr/local/bin. But, since I'd rather get the gnome build working, this
issue is secondary.