> Is anyone working on a find feature... I used this alot with quicken and
> use this capability. I would be interested in doing this if no one else
> is.
> Some thoughts...
> Find on transaction columns...
> Date, Num, Description, transfer from.. etc
> Specific account or all accounts.
> Forward or backward.
> Maybe respect sort condition if specific account is specified and
> sort is set.
> any one with other thoughts...
So it's a 'find all matching transactions' feature (I haven't used
Quicken in a while)?
> Are there preferences/requirements on which language to implement such a
> feature...
You're pretty much stuck with either C or guile :) There is a Query
utility in src/engine that the register code already uses to grab all
the transactions it's going to display. I think you could extend this
with the ability to add external 'filters' to do the kind of searching
you are talking about. The Query code is C, but, if you want to use
guile, it's easy to wrap C functions for guile use. I believe the current
Query code is already wrapped.
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