In xacc-ticker.hrml, I see: "GnuCash provides a somewhat rudimentary automated stock quote gathering system", and "Select a quote source from the pull-down menu. Currently supported quote sources include Yahoo, Fidelity Investments, T. Rowe Price and the Vanguard Group" Ok, but there is nothing for Yahoo Europe, I take a look at Yahoo website with quotes for france and it woks as it's show below. We can download stock quote with this URL: URL = " &s= " m= is for the market place and s= is for the symbol for example this URL: " " allow to download at Paris's market place the Peugeot's stock quotet for example where value=PA is for the market place in PARIS and m=PA for example where value=D is for the market place in Dusseldorf and m=D value=PA>Paris value=BC>Barcelone value=BE>Berlin value=BI>Bilbao value=BM>Brême value=CO>Copenhague value=D>Dusseldorf value=F>Francfort value=H>Hambourg value=HA>Hanovre value=L>London value=MA>Madrid value=MC>Madrid (M.C.) value=MI>Milan value=MU>Munich value=O>Oslo value=ST>Stockholm value=SG>Stuttgart value=VA>Valence value=FX>Xetra Someone can add Yahoo Europe in the pull-down menu and another pulldown menu to choose the market place in Europe with the previous list in the edit window for stocks or mutual funds. Ok, now I know how it works and I 'm testing it with the YahooQuote latest version that is 0.13 in xacc-ticker.hrml, I see: for gnc-prices It can function in conjunction with masquerading-style firewalls, but is not currently able to use proxy servers to get through proxy or socks-style firewalls. and in the file Changes's Finance-YahooQuote-0.13 there is: 0.12 24-JAN-2000 Added $ua->env_proxy() so that LWP will honor proxies. Thanks again, Dirk, and Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>! 0.13 02-MAR-2000 Added support for overriding the LWP timeout. Thanks to Phillip Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I think we need to update the Finance-YahooQuote part in /gnucash/src/quotes/Quote.PM it's version is 0.08 I compile it and I test it with Yahoo Quotes US and as symbol : IBM and I have this: Symbol: IBM Name: INTL BUS MACHINE Last: 105.25 Trade Date: 3/10/2000 Trade Time: 4:24PM Change: -2.75 % Change: -2.55% Volume: 7093200 Avg. Daily Volume: 7371681 Bid: N/A Ask: N/A Prev. Close: 108 Open: 107.625 Day's Range: 105 - 109 52-Week Range: 81.5 - 139.1875 EPS: 4.12 P/E Ratio: 26.21 Div. Pay Rate: Mar 10 Div/Share: 0.48 Div. Yield: 0.44 Mkt. Cap: 189.7B Exchange: NYSE Ok for IBM, it's OK Now I change the URL for this: URL = ("") in Quote.PM I test it with the symbol: 12150 for PEUGEOT (french cars builder) and I have this: Symbol: 12150.PA Name: PEUGEOT Last: 206.10 Trade Date: 3/10/2000 Trade Time: 17h06 Change: -1.70 % Change: -0 Volume: 82% Avg. Daily Volume: 184456 Bid: 0 Ask: <img src= width=11 height=13 border=0 alt=E>206 Prev. Close: 10 Open: <img src= width=11 height=13 border=0 alt=E>206 Day's Range: 50 52-Week Range: 207.80 EPS: 210.70 P/E Ratio: <img src= width=11 height=13 border=0 alt=E>200 Div. Pay Rate: 40 - <img src= width=11 height=13 border=0 alt=E>210 Div/Share: 70 Div. Yield: 0 - 0 Mkt. Cap: N/A Exchange: N/A but with netscape and this URL , I have : "12150.PA","PEUGEOT",206.10,"3/10/2000","17h06",-1.70,"-0,82%",184456,0,@206,10,@206,50,207.80,210.70,"@200,40 - @210,70","0 - 0",N/A,N/A,"N/A",N/A,N/A,N/A where @ is a picture of europe currency or EMU Euro with the picture e.gif Someone have any ideas or solution to resolve this problem? What really gnucash need as informations to do his update automated for stock quote? Someone can update this gnucash's part? Yannick ______________________________________________________________________________ Si votre email etait sur iFrance vous pourriez ecouter ce message au tel ! : ne laissez plus vos emails loin de vous ... gratuit sur iFrance : emails (20 MO, POP, FAX), Agenda, Site perso -- Gnucash Developer's List To unsubscribe send empty email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]