
I've just switched from Microsoft Money 95 to GNUCash 1.3.1.  I'd like
to start by saing THANKS for all the work you've put in so far! Having
read the design goals, I chose GNUCash over Moneydance because of the
potential of this project, and because it's Open Source. I had tried
GNUCash previously, but the requirement for a Motif library had locked
me out, and I didn't want to mess with lestiff.

The main reason for the switch was that I wanted to allocate logical
accounts out of one bank account, which Money could not do. I am doing
this in GNUcash using sub-accounts, which seem to accurately represent
what I want.

I have found the help to be excellent at explaining accounting
principles to the extent that I need to know them. I last studied
accounting in high school, and I find GNUCash quite understandable, and
even a bit more logical than MS Money.

The feature request list:

  1. Memorized transactions. That would reduce the workload of account
  2. Review an account history graphically.
  3. Move a transaction from one account to another - in case you
     entered it in the wrong place by accident! It seems that you
     currently have to re-enter it.

I migrated by exporting QIF files from Money and then using the import
menu item. I had to export/import one QIF file per account. I had to fix
up a lot of duplicate transactions. Most of them were easily found by
looking for a duplicate where one transaction was missing an account.
However, it still took me about half a day to clean up the accounts
after importing. I also changed the subcategories or whatever they are
in money into sub-sub accounts.

A way of smoothing this importation process is a must for attracting
more novice new users. While I did see a few patch reports describing
automatic duplicate finders, I was not sure that they would help with my

Thanks again for an alternative,
Ben Stanley.

Ben Stanley               |    barf  [ba:rf]  2.  "He suggested using FORTRAN,
PhD Student               |       and everybody barfed." - From the Shogakukan
SITACS                    |       DICTIONARY OF NEW ENGLISH (Second Edition)
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