> Before that, though, I'm implementing the "guile listener" that
> Christopher and I discussed a while back.  I started in on it a while
> ago and never got back to it, but now that I've had time for it to
> mentally percolate for a bit, unless I'm overlooking something nasty
> it looks like it's going to be easy, and aside from other potentially
> cool uses, it could be a *big* help for debugging.  I should have an
> initial patch in the next day or so.
On the subject of guile, I think I have a solution to our slib
problems. The portion of 2c6 that Gnucash needs that is not
supplied by 2c4 is small, just printf and hash-table. I have
made a smallish (1k lines) scm file that includes the necessary
slib routines to get GnuCash working with slib2c4. I have tested
it with the reports and it seems to work.

I have modified startup.scm to only load this file if the check
for slib2c6 fails, and I have tested it with both 2c4 and 2c7.
It's kind of a hack, but it would only need to be kept around
until 2c6 or better becomes widely available.

It would also avoid the many, many, requests for help that
would inevitably occur with a release, given that most rpm
users have 2c4.


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