Rob Walker wrote:
> >>>>> On Wed, 16 Feb 2000 02:26:29 -0800, Dave Peticolas
> Dave> Here is my latest patch. It contains the following.
> Dave> Notes:
> Dave> + This patch is based on current CVS.
> Dave> + This patch requires config.status to be run.
> Dave> New Stuff:
> Dave> + The register window saves and restores its width. The height
> Dave> is determined by the number of rows selected in the "Register"
> Dave> options section. The register width is saved for both regular
> Dave> registers and stock registers.
> This compiled and ran. It saves window sizes as advertised. Hooray!
> I would also like to see the account tree state returned. I seem to
> open up certain trees constantly, to get to certain accounts.
> I newly found some functionality while working with this. I was
> resizing my fields in my register. (I was also wishing one could
> double click on the resize bar, and it would resize to the smallest
> size possible which showed the values) I was in one of my stock
> registers, and I resized the description field (almost all of them are
> "Price", and the Transfer From field got resized down so I could
> barely see the header. Then, the sold and bought fields almost never
> get any thing in them, and when they do, it is pretty small values, so
> I resized it to be smaller. Shazam! All of the following fields got
> smaller, too! I couldn't believe it. I resized bigger, and all of
> them got bigger. Including the Balance field.
> This is odd behaviour indeed! Could this be why we couldn't resize
> the Balance field on its' own?
On an almost-related note, the transfer-from hierachical approach is neat.
Two issues/questions:
The length of the transfer-from field becomes HUGE and the specific account name is
lost. Would it be possible to right-justify the field so that the account name will
be more readily
Also, how hard would it be to be able to auto-complete both the top-level (EG
expenses,income,liabilities) AS WELL AS
the bottom level (EG fuel,groceries, etc).
I find traversing the hierarchy very useful in some instances, but quite cumbersome in
others where
I know exactly "where I'm going".
BTW, I'm working on an average expense report, hopefully out soon.
> --
> Matt Martin
> 600 West Grove Parkway #1042
> Tempe, AZ, 85283
> (480) 775 2660
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