Rob Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Is it about time for a new release? We continue to get questions for
> help with old old gnucash, but some of us can't help them a whole lot,
> since we are working on the latest gnome gnucash out of cvs.
> If we had a new release, gnome-gnucash only.... maybe a lot more
> people would get a lot more functionality.
Yes. Please.
I kind of get the idea that there are some wonderful features in CVS,
and I'd love to use them, and tell you when they break. I haven't
raised some issues I have currently, because I suspect that there may
be little correlation between what I have and what's being developed.
If I had a more recent version, I would be much more informative, as a
Some time ago, I tried to compile gnucash, and spent quite some time
trying. I followed directions, got specific versions of packages,
etc. I evenually gave up, unsuccessful. This experience makes me
wary of trying it again. I am, however, not at all wary of trying out
a new rpm.
I think a new release as soon as possible would be an excellent thing.
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