Hello gnucash team,

I think I have worked out a way to trap reports without losing the error
I  will include the whole run-report routine from report.scm because it
has had some patches applied and probably probably wouldn't patch well
against CVS.

Hopefully somebody can incorporate it without too much trouble.



 Matt Martin

600 West Grove Parkway  #1042
Tempe, AZ, 85283

(480) 775 2660

----- Code Below -----------

(define (gnc:run-report report-name)
  ;; Return a string consisting of the contents of the report.

  (define (display-report-list-item item port)
     ((string? item) (display item port))
     ((null? item) #t)
     ((list? item) (map (lambda (item) (display-report-list-item item
     (else (gnc:warn "gnc:run-report - " item " is the wrong type."))))

  (let ((report (hash-ref *gnc:_report-info_* report-name)))
    (if (not report)
        (let* ((options (gnc:report-options report))
         (rendering-thunk (gnc:report-rendering-thunk report))
  (catch #t (lambda () (rendering-thunk options))
         (lambda (key . args)
    (let* ((astack (make-stack #t gnc:report-rendering-thunk 4)))
      (display "Report Error in procedure: ")
      (apply display-error  #f (current-error-port) args )
          (if (not lines)
               (lambda (port)
                  (lambda (item) (display-report-list-item item port))

(define (gnc:run-report report-name)
  ;; Return a string consisting of the contents of the report.

  (define (display-report-list-item item port)
     ((string? item) (display item port))
     ((null? item) #t)
     ((list? item) (map (lambda (item) (display-report-list-item item port))
     (else (gnc:warn "gnc:run-report - " item " is the wrong type."))))

  (let ((report (hash-ref *gnc:_report-info_* report-name)))
    (if (not report)
        (let* ((options (gnc:report-options report))
                (rendering-thunk (gnc:report-rendering-thunk report))
                (catch #t (lambda () (rendering-thunk options))
                       (lambda (key . args) 
                         (let* ((astack (make-stack #t gnc:report-rendering-thunk 4)))
                           (display "Report Error in procedure: ")
                           (apply display-error  #f (current-error-port) args )
          (if (not lines)
               (lambda (port)
                  (lambda (item) (display-report-list-item item port))

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