Christopher Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I suggest considering B-trees instead. 

No problem here.

> To access it efficiently, there are .ndx files that contain B-Trees
> (of some flavor; I'm willing to not bother trying to distinguish between
> B-trees, B+-trees, and B*-trees if you're not worried about it...).

or RB trees, or, tries, or whatever...  I get the point :>

> I'll barely *anything* about the "newer generation" RDBMSes; they wind
> up implementing what amounts to their own filesystem for data storage,
> and this is every bit as complex as something like ext2.  I don't think
> we want to go there...

Actually, from what I've heard, it's a lot worse than ext2.  Some of
them have cool (but complex) things like time travel built in.
(Forget your backup system, just put time travel into the file-system

> Until then, something like Sleepycat DB seems by far most suitable.

I knew vaguely that the libc db had gotten better.  This must have
been what I'd heard.  I wonder what (if any) the limitations are in
the implementation (probably far beyond anything we'd care about in
the normal case).

Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> PGP=E80E0D04F521A094 532B97F5D64E3930

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