On Thu, 30 Dec 1999 23:48:42 PST, the world broke into rejoicing as
Dave Peticolas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:
> > The following is a simple context diff for the file:
> >   .../gnucash/Docs/project.html
> > 
> > It revises wordings of things quite a bit, makes it into clean HTML,
> > and adds some points that I would tend to consider noncontroversial.
> > (I mention DOM along with XML, and add some comments about retirement
> > savings plans, payroll, and such...)
> This file doesn't seem to be linked to from anywhere. Shouldn't it be?

It's not; it likely ought to be; I'll see about resolving that over the
next few days.

I've spent some time the last day or so revising the material Jan Schrage
wrote on depreciation and capital gains, and will probably run through
it again, as well as running through the overall documentation tree
(at least the English side).

It probably makes sense to put in some more links between documents, and
project.html will certainly enter into this.

Part of me would like to turn this all into DocBook, so it would
become one big happy tightly-linked document, but the extra
dependancy is probably not a good thing at this point.  

I'd be quite prepared to do so if that would be considered of value;
it would probably be a wise move to move to SGML some time next year.

It's not an overly troublesome task, given Emacs to provide 
repeatable macros...
I would rather be in the back of a car then a cdr.
                        -- Blackboard in 6.011 area
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - <http://www.hex.net/~cbbrowne/lsf.html>

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