> I'm currently working on a transaction report, which I intend to use
> as a test case for the improved reporting infrastructure discussed
> previously on the list.
> As it turns out, all I need to do is print out a list of the splits
> in a particular account - with some filterting, ordering, and
> formatting frippery.
> Account.h contains the C functions I need to get this information -
> xaccAccountGetSplit, xaccAccountGetSplitList, and
> XaccAccountGetNumSplits. These are all fine and dandy, but to be any
> use to me I need a Scheme interface to these functions.
> How do I find if the function I need is already wrapped, and how
> do I wrap C functions for Scheme? There's some info on this in
> the Guile documentation, but which files do I need to place what in
> for this to work?
Look in gnucash/src/g-wrap/gnc.gwp to see how C functions are
wrapped for Scheme. It seems all three of those functions are
already wrapped.
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