Ed Porras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I haven't figured out how to do splits yet :) I remember reading
> something about it, but never found anything in the docs.. like I
> said, I've been using gnucash less than two days..
It's easy. When you put the register in multi-line mode, the line
where you put the "transfer from" and amount (and a memo) will be a
separate line from the "main transaction line". Enter the first
split line there. Once you hit record, another blank split-line will
appear below the one you just created so that you can (if you like)
add another split.
One thing I'd like to change is that I'd like to have it so that only
the currently selected transaction has this extra blank append line,
rather than all the transactions in in multi-line mode.
> how do you handle the case where you don't deposit the whole amount?
> that is, the total deposit is check 1 + check 2 + check 3 - x amount
> cashback which then you might use up for different things?
I belive you just need to add a separate split to the transaction
setting the "destination" to be your cash account, and the amount to
be however much you didn't deposit. Try it and see...
Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> PGP=E80E0D04F521A094 532B97F5D64E3930
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