Christopher Browne wrote:
> On Tue, 09 Nov 1999 14:54:55 PST, the world broke into rejoicing as
> "jools enticknap" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >
> > Perhaps. I'm not saying that the Java version should be SQL only.
> >
> > I'm just saying that it makes writting reports easier, and a little more
> > flexible.
> Once you jump to an SQL model, you can certainly create more sophisticated
> reports, but this comes at the cost of the increased complexity of having
> to "do SQL."
Depends - I haven't looked at the core code, but if the data
store/retrieval functionality is reasonably well modularized, it
shouldn't be too hard.
> > In once sence I do agree, trying to get a DBA to allow access to
> > databases it a little like getting blood from a stone.
> Sometimes DBA's appear to be trained to be jerks;
Hey. *I'm* a DBA. Careful there. :-)
> the *real* point is
> that by going to something like MySQL or PostgreSQL, *someone* has to
> be assigned the task of "being the DBA," as a DB instance needs to be set
> up for use by the financial software.
> The point is that it's not as simple as:
> # rpm -i mysql-1.1.i386.rpm
> or
> # apt-get mysql
> And "then it all works." It *doesn't* all work; you need to do some
> DBA work to allow apps to access it.
True - but it doesn't have to be this way. I'm a bit surprised that
no-one has made postinstall scripts for the various db packages to
create some default database(s).
For the purposes of getting GnuCash to use a db store, I'd be willing to
make a script to create a small database for gnucash in, say, postgresql
if anyone wanted it. Then this could just be included with the
distribution as part of our install process.
> <Snip MS-Access discussion>
You have to be careful using access as a front end tool, too. Have you
ever looked at the SQL it generates when it queries a back-end db ?
Blech !
I'm firmly convinced that access is only useful as an interface
prototyping tool.
> But note that once you start using it as a "front end" to some other DBMS,
> the DBA issue rears its ugly head again...
I'm not that ugly, either. Or at least my wife says so. :-)
-- Pat
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