"James A. Treacy" wrote:
> > This was the "stable" motif release of v1.2.3.
> >
> This part of your message was completely non-constructive.
I thought it was very constructive - it's a very loud heads up that you
guys are focusing on the wrong things in your development. I can well
understand you will take the critism personally, but the fact remains
that in it's current state gnucash needs some serious bug fixing.
> Instead of
> just complaining, you should report exactly what you did that led
> to crashing the program. There are quite a few people who are using
> gnucash without such catastrophic problems. Obviously, they are
> doing things differently.
I call data previously entered either going missing or being changed a
pretty catastophic problem.
I am quite willing to start tracking down bugs, but every concurrent bug
that affects the program makes the program more and more difficult to
debug. Which bug am I looking at? Tracking down and killing the bugs
sooner rather than later makes the job easier for all of us. My
suggestion, as I said before, is to make a concerted effort to track
down the bugs now rather than letting them pile up making the problem
worse exponentially.
Gnucash as a package shows a lot of promise, but it reamins useless
until it works. Just saying "it works for me" isn't good enough, it has
to work for everybody.
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