> Well, there are several replies, but you might not like any of them.
> First, I don't beleive the currency trading stuff was ever fully debugged,
> so I can't say there aren't any surprises waiting in store for you.

Yep, thought so :) When in doubt, use the source, Luke ;)

> Next, if yu are working with only two currencies grand total, then simply set
> up one of the bank accounts as a 'currency' account, and that should work.
> If you are dealing with three or more currencies, then what you describe is
> the only way.


I did see the other bug report that came across the wire, will give it a
try. In the mean time I found a further bug that was caused when a
number of value "infinity" was printed to the screen. This caused the
routine in util.c to go into an infinite loop. I have a fix... I just
have to run it past a C god first.

Why this value became infinite I do not know, will delve into it further

> When moving money, assets, anything from one account to another,  the 'engine'
> checks to make sure that what is being moved is of the same type (US$, or FF, or
> a stock symbol, etc) and if not its supposed to prevent the transfer ...
> unless its to/from a currency account, in which case you get to record an
> exchange rate. In that sense, a currency account behaves a lot like a stock
> account: what really counts is how many 'shares' of that currency you have,
> and not the 'price' at which you bought it.
> Unfortunately, the type of the currency is stored with the account, not with the
> transaction, which is why you can't mix three or more different currencies in
> one account.  Maybe we should change this someday ....

Ok, it makes sense (I thought this is how it worked).

Perhaps it's an idea to merge the concepts of both a "bank" account and
a "currency" account into one account type, or at least merge the two
into a bank account. Or, provide the functionality of cross currency
transfer to all accounts by adding a field for "exchange rate". By
default this rate will be 1 and it's effect will be invisible, however
if an attempt is made to transfer money from an account to another of
different currency, both the "source" currency amount and the
"destination" currency amount will be prompted for, and the exchange
rate worked out between them automatically.

Is this workable? Or am I breaking an accounting rule somewhere? All it
would involve I would imagine is the addition of "exchange rate" to all
transactions that don't already have one.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                "There's a moon
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