I fixed that bug, it was about incoretly saving the search path in the
file open/save dialog box.

I also found anoder bug and corrected it: deleting the Blank Split caused a
coredump. this was due to the fact that there exists a pointer to the
Blank  split in the SplitRegister object (user_hook), that is left in place 
when the split is deleted. The code tries later to use that split, since
the test is user_hook != NULL.

The solution is to check whether the deleted split is the Blank split, 
and refuse to delete it.

I've attached a diff file with the modifications I've made. They are based
on the latest CVS version.

Best Regards,

On Sat, 20 Feb 1999, Jeremy Collins wrote:

> There appears to be a bug in the Motif code.  Here is how you reproduce
> it.  Open a file or create a new one.  Then choose "Save As..." from the
> menu.  Give it a name, lets say test.xac.  Then choose to "Import QIF"
> from the menu.  You get a filter as follows:
> /home/collins/test.xac/*.qif
> Obviously it should be:
> /home/collins/*.qif
> Probably something simple.  I haven't really looked at it.
> -- 
> Jeremy Collins
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diff -r -u -B xacc/src/motif/FileBox.c my-xacc/src/motif/FileBox.c
--- xacc/src/motif/FileBox.c    Thu Jan 21 09:48:25 1999
+++ my-xacc/src/motif/FileBox.c Sun Feb 28 16:52:02 1999
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
 #include <Xm/Xm.h>
 #include <Xm/FileSB.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
 #include "config.h"
 #include "FileBox.h"
@@ -159,11 +162,17 @@
    * time they get to this box.
   if (fileName) {
-    char *slash;
-    if (previous_path) free (previous_path);
-    previous_path = strdup (fileName);
-    slash = strrchr (previous_path, '/');
+    char *slash, *new_path;
+    struct stat s;
+    new_path = strdup (fileName);
+    slash = strrchr (new_path, '/');
     if (slash) { *(slash+1) = 0x0; }
+    if((0 == stat(new_path, &s)) && S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) {
+        if (previous_path) free (previous_path);
+        previous_path = new_path;
+    } else 
+      free(new_path);
diff -r -u -B xacc/src/motif/RegWindow.c my-xacc/src/motif/RegWindow.c
--- xacc/src/motif/RegWindow.c  Wed Feb  3 11:53:25 1999
+++ my-xacc/src/motif/RegWindow.c       Sun Feb 28 17:24:27 1999
@@ -921,6 +921,8 @@
   /* get the current split based on cursor position */
   split = xaccSRGetCurrentSplit (regData->ledger->ledger);
+  /* we don't delete the blank split */
+  if(split == regData->ledger->ledger->user_hook) return;
   if (NULL == split ) return;
   /* ask for user confirmation before performing 

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