10.04.2018 18:56, elbenfreund пишет:
> Hello list,

> project hamster [1] has just finished all new version of its shell
> extension [2]. When I tried to upload it the form complained that the
> uuid is already taken. Unfortunately there seem no way for me to figure
> out what extension blocks it as far as I can tell. Is this true? And if
> so, how to I proceed from here? The uuid in question is
> "cont...@projecthamster.org".
I can confirm that this UUID already taken. And email of extension
author with that UUID is differs from yours.
Here is review URL (it's publicly available):

> On a different note: it the "upload yours" form the right place for
> updated versions of existing extensions, or is there a seperate form
> that I missed?
It's right place. However you can not upload extension when it's UUID
already taken by another author.

> Thanks for all your work and contributions
> Eric
> [1] https://github.com/projecthamster
> [2] https://github.com/projecthamster/hamster-shell-extension
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