Thank you!
04.02.22 20:37-ին Claude Parozը գրել է.
Thanks Norayr for letting us know about your current (non-)involvement
in the Armenian team. I "downgraded" your account from coordinator to
reviewer, so now it's more clear that the team needs a new coordinator.
Thanks for all your past contributions!
P.S. Don't be surprised if at some point your account is deleted on if you remain inactive, as we are regularly purging
inactive accounts, it's not personal :-) Just re-create a new one if
Le 04.02.22 à 16:27, նորայր via gnome-i18n a écrit :
Hello, everyone!
I found out recently, from the Andre Klapper email, that I am still
listed as a coordinator of Armenian language translations of GNOME
I remember contributing pretty big amount during GNOME2 times, it was
an important experience for me, and also fun, however I don't see
myself as a coordinator anymore.
As E-Hayk LLC also participated translations, I also know their
translation related work in other FLOSS projects, I'd like to suggest
someone from E-Hayk to take the position of coordinator.
I have added Samvel to CC list.
I also recovered my old address that is listed on this page: and added that email to the CC list
as well.
I appreciate GNOME and GTK+, thank you!
I'd like still to remain a team member, and maybe will contribute more
translations in free time, but not very soon.
Thank you!
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