Hi all,

at Chronojump we are making videos of our products, software, clients, ...

We want to make a video thanking the translators for their work.
Initially it was thought as a present (secret) for you all, but later we
thought that it will be better if you can send to me some pics or small
video saying hi! or somthing funny, or a pic with you at your city or
saying why do you translate, or if you are also a Chronojump user, or how
many years you have been translating, or whatever you like.

And then we will use all that media for making the video.

Please, send to me (answering this mail just to me) some pic or small video
before Feb 10th.
Then we will make the video and publish a few days later.

Thank you so much for your continuous support.
gnome-i18n mailing list

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