Now it should be up-to-date in Damned Lies.

I forced the update of the stats for that module. Please check it's ok.


El jue, 28 oct 2021 a las 12:47, Davide Ferracin via gnome-i18n (<>) escribió:

> Hi all,
> I recently started translating the Health app. In the meantime a new
> version was published, but the POT file on [1] still
> refers to the previous version, so if I published my translation it would
> already be obsolete (also, I would not be able to test it locally). Since I
> do not know how long it will get to see the updated POT file on the
> website, I tried to generate one manually from the app source code using
> xgettext, but it seems it does not recognise Rust, which the app is written
> in, as a language and a lot of translatable strings are missing as a
> consequence. I did not find anything that could help me in the online
> translation guides; what should I do now?
> [1]
> Cheers
> --
> Davide Ferracin
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