Hi Danishka,
If you are available to review any new contribution, I think it's fine
if you remain the coordinator.
Otherwise, it would be great if you could train Udesh until he's ready
to commit translations of acceptable quality, then transfer
coordinatorship at some later time.
Udesh, you should also try to follow the standard workflow on
l10n.gnome.org, that is to "Reserve a translation", then "Upload the
translation (instead of pushing translations in a simple comment.
(see also https://l10n.gnome.org/static/img/workflow-translation.png)
And unless you have a specific reason to partially translate a module,
you should ideally push 100% translated files.
Le 21.06.21 à 17:46, Danishka Navin a écrit :
Hi Claude,
I have no objection on someone becoming as a coordinator.
Whoever becoming a coordinator should have at least basic idea of
localization standards.
Hi Udesh,
Please review your files before uploading to any project, not just gnome.
For example, you have translated January as දුරුතු instead of ජනවාරි (which
we use as the standard Sinhala term/word for the month of January.) [1],[2]
Now, if you produce a short version of months in Sinhala, no one can
recognize the list. I hope you understand my point.
Localization of gnome or any other project/application should not
introduce conflicts with existing applications and other content. For
example, Ubuntu [3]
Let's say a student reading an announcement from the Ministry of
Education for starting new school term. Ministry is referring to 2021
ජනවාරි 01, but your calendar has a different label for the month of
January as දුරුතු.
[1] https://l10n.gnome.org/vertimus/diff/807348/0/0/
[2] https://l10n.gnome.org/vertimus/diff/802343/0/0/
I wish you all the best!
On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 12:06 PM Claude Paroz <cla...@2xlibre.net
<mailto:cla...@2xlibre.net>> wrote:
Le 26.05.21 à 07:12, Udesh Imalka a écrit :
> Hello Gnome,
> Our current coordinator for sinhala language isn't active and
team page
> details etc are outdated. Can you set-up new coordinator for that
> language using below details? Kindly do not remove existing
person; i
> have noticed some teams have multiple coordinators. eg:
> https://l10n.gnome.org/teams/pt_BR/
> Email: ud...@yalu.lk <mailto:ud...@yalu.lk> <mailto:ud...@yalu.lk
> Gnome ID: udesh
Udesh, great proposal, however I don't see you as a translator in the
team. That would be a first step, along with some translation
uploads on
the site.
Danishka, it would be awesome if you could confirm that request and
us if you are interested to continue coordinating the team or not.
www.2xlibre.net <http://www.2xlibre.net>
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