Hello Stijn,
As Andre mentioned, you find all the information about Gnome Dutch
Translators here: https://l10n.gnome.org/teams/nl/
You are most welcome in our team. We usually communicate through our
mailing list, gnome-nl-l...@gnome.org . If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Hannie Dumoleyn
Coordinator Gnome Vertaalteam Nederlands
Op 19-11-2020 om 18:39 schreef Team Berzorg via gnome-i18n:
No, I have not.
Thanks for the quick response, but I start to wonder now where I have
seen the page with some content like 'nl-dutch' in a header.
100% sure there was something like that still available on the
website, anyways thanks again and I will contact the person in question
Kind regards,
Stijn vd Pouw
Op do 19 nov. 2020 om 16:55 schreef Andre Klapper <ak...@gmx.net
Welcome and thanks for your interest!
On Thu, 2020-11-19 at 16:52 +0100, Team Berzorg via gnome-i18n wrote:
> Hi there I am really excited to start this team up, or at least
> contribute to the community. Here is my info:
https://l10n.gnome.org/teams/nl/ exists for Dutch (nl) translations -
have you contacted them? :) (Or is this request about something else?)
Thanks! :)
Andre Klapper | ak...@gmx.net <mailto:ak...@gmx.net>
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