Hi Claude,

This issue is back again, now in all modules, not only in Gimp-help.

Cc'ing Andrea Veri, maybe he can modify webserver's timeout to avoid
gateway timeout message every time a module is commited into git trought DL.


El mié., 5 feb. 2020 a las 10:03, Claude Paroz (<cla...@2xlibre.net>)

> Le 05.02.20 à 09:25, Daniel Mustieles García a écrit :
> > Yes, I did it but got an error message.
> >
> > I've tried again and seems to work ok, but after a while I get a Gateway
> > Timeout message. It appears frecuently in the last weeks (specially when
> > uploading Gimp-help's translations). Any idea about why it happens?
> For sure, that's a classical issue with long Web operations. These
> should be deferred to some task queue on the server, but I didn't find
> time for this development in recent times.
> Claude
> --
> www.2xlibre.net
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