Hello Hannie,

Em sáb., 7 de mar. de 2020 às 13:40, Hannie Dumoleyn
<lafeber-dumole...@zonnet.nl> escreveu:
> Hello Rafael,
> I will go through the steps again so I can explain what is happening.
> On [1] I reserved the module for proofreading again, then I uploaded the
> fully translated file from my PC.
> It now shows 155 (green) / 0 / 0, but there is a button "Help compiling"
> which, when clicked, shows the message about 'Gresik', see [2]

Could you be more clear on what is the error message you are getting?

When I click on the [2] link, which I assume is the URL
https://l10n.gnome.org/HTML/574645/index.html, I see your translated
version of the Release Notes. This translated page is expected when
clicking the "Build help" button in a documentation module in Damned

> I do not know what this means, so I will not continue as yet. I am
> afraid it will end up in the same red status bar at the top and a status
> 0% 0 0 115.

Please notice the stats bar is still all red with "0 0 115" (0%
translated) because you *did not* push the translation file to the
source code repository, you simply archived the actions (i.e. you
discarded all edits).

Rafael Fontenelle
gnome-i18n mailing list

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