Hey everyone
There appears to be some old cruft still available for translation on
Damned Lies in the categories outside of the core GNOME release. For
example, gimp-tiny-fu, situated alongside all of the other GIMP
translations and worth a good 600 strings / 2300 words, has been
deprecated and impossible to use in GIMP since 2006. Looking at the
commit list, it appears as though a lot of translators' effort has gone
to waste. Likewise, in gnome-infrastructure, you can find the
translation for the subtitles for GNOME 3.30's release video, and in
gnome-extras there are several applications that haven't seen a release
in years and the only commits appear to be new or updated translations
from translators trying to get their completion percentages to 100%,
although I can't tell if those applications have really been abandoned
or are simply considered complete. There's also both
gtk-internet-radio-locator and gnome-internet-radio-locator.
By the way, it also appears to be impossible to submit translations for
the example applications of glom, at least from Damned Lies.
Could someone take a look at these and archive the old translations
where necessary (and figure out why the glom examples can't be
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