Hello all,

Am Do., 1. Nov. 2018 um 10:04 Uhr schrieb Mario Blättermann
> Dear translators,
> the po files for Glabels are maintained in the Damned Lies pages for more than
> ten years. Thanks for all your work on making Glabels better by translating it
> into many languages!
> But Glabels development has been switched from GTK to Qt, and the version
> control system now resides at Github [1]. The upcoming major version 4.0 will
> be based on Qt. Along with the Qt port, we are no longer using po files, but
> ts files. We have a new project at the Zanata translation management
> platform [2]. If you are willing to continue translating Glabels, please
> create an account there.
> As far as it was possible, we have migrated existing translations from Damned
> Lies, the translation status is mostly around 30%. So almost all languages
> are still available, with one exception: The Zanata platform doesn't support
> ca@valencia, so this po file hasn't been imported. Note, we have split the
> translations into two files, the templates are now handled separate from the
> GUI.
> For the time being, we host only the GUI translations there. Once we have a
> user manual again, this will become also available for translation (probably
> also the man pages).
> [1] https://github.com/jimevins/glabels-qt
> [2] https://translate.zanata.org/project/view/Glabels

After detecting some serious problems with Zanata, we have decided to move the
translations of glabels-qt to another platform.

During the last months, it happened twice that the web interface went down and
came up again some days later (see [1]). This is very annoying for both
translators and maintainers. Moreover, Zanata is unable to handle *.ts files
properly. Such files will be converted internally to *.po files, and we get then
translated *.po files back. Well, it is possible to convert them back to *.ts,
but the file hierarchy needs also to be adjusted, which is more work than it's

So we have moved the translations to Transifex [2]. If someone of you is still
willing to continue on translating Glabels, subscribe to Transifex please. The
*.ts files imported from the old *.po files are available from the Github repo
of Glabels-qt [3]. Due to the conversion all of the strings have been marked as
»unfinished«, and such files only with fuzzy strings are not accepted by

[1] https://www.redhat.com/archives/zanata-users/2019-April/msg00005.html
[2]  https://www.transifex.com/glabels/glabels-ui/dashboard/
[3] https://github.com/jimevins/glabels-qt/tree/master/translations

Best Regards,
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