În data de Sb, 04-08-2018 la 12:03 +0530, Snehalata Shirude via gnome-
i18n a scris:
> Hi,
> I am Snehalata Shirude from India... Our team is working on GIMP user
> interface and User manual localization. We uploaded some part
> regarding user interface. The remaining one we will upload files one
> by one very soon. 
> For testing of User Manual, we are not able to find any way to test
> on our local machine after translating it.
> So please can anyone help me in this regard..

Hello Snehalata,
For testing of translation for the User interface I sometimes use the
deckard tool... (but it seems it does not have the GIMP module) or you
could install GIMP on your favorite distro and replace the files .mo
files that are used for localization.
For example on Debian/Ubuntu you could use the command "dpkg -L gimp"
to find out where gimp stores its files, but they usually are stored in
/usr/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/ (replace "ro" with your own

For testing of the User Manual you can compile the new translation into
a new manual as described here:

(Please read the whole "Testing" section and you will find useful tips
on how to test the user interface and documentation.)

If you need further advice please let me know.

Regards, Daniel
gnome-i18n mailing list

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