Sgrìobh Arnaud Bonatti na leanas 06/03/2018 aig 22:51: > > For every problem, there’s a code solution.
Actually, there's not. Adding a comments e.g. to tell translators whether "View" means a verb or a noun would be a lot more useful - and there's a case right here that can't have correct machine translation guarenteed. QED. My particular locale will throw a lot of false positive errors for standard pofilter checks, just because its typography is different. I do use those checks and vet them manually. Automation by a project maintainer can't be done here, it's impossible. Just to give you an example: "Please press the ‘Close’ button." "Am brùth thu air a’ phutan “Dùin”?" pofilter will barf here on endpunc and on the quotes. Automatic generation of content can be very tricky, and the bug fixes to your algorithm for every locale under the sun would probably take longer than translators manually fixing their stuff. Even worse is he case where translators won't even know you've changed their translation. Not everything is as easy as removing double spaces, and you sometimes need an actual mismatch there too - command line help texts come to mind here. So, if you really want to help translators out, soend your time to pay attention to adding comments, and make sure to always use ngettext when your string contains a number, and don't hard-code word order. This will make your localizers very happy :) _______________________________________________ gnome-i18n mailing list