2018-02-26 17:04 GMT+01:00 Milan Crha <mc...@redhat.com>:
> On Mon, 2018-02-26 at 16:52 +0100, Piotr Drąg wrote:
>> I don’t quite understand your concerns.
> Ouch, I didn't mean to even imply that the current process is wrong,
> I'm sorry if it might look like that, it was not my intention.

I didn’t read it like that at all. No process is perfect, and we
absolutely can discuss it if you feel it doesn’t work for you.

> I was only wondering, and thinking aloud, whether the process could be
> simplified for such obvious issues like typos in the translated
> strings.

…that said, I don’t think “obvious” issues are any different to
non-obvious ones. The amount of work translators need to spend is
exactly the same.

Best regards,

Piotr Drąg
gnome-i18n mailing list

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