Dear GNOME'ers, I became the portuguese (pt) translator back in 2002. For many years I kept pt on the 100% (core). A couple people joined and we did a lot.
Unfortunately as time goes by I became alone on this. And with my second child's birth, in 2012, my time became less and less. Since then I haven't been doing much for translations. In fact, I believe I'm being a problem to the continuation of the team. I have been trying to get someone to replace me. But either the people I talk with are not up to the standard I search (keep "new" spelling rules - controversial but official; quality; etc) or they give up before I convince them to take over. So... Basically pt is abandoned since 2014 and I have no time nor motivation to make time. I want to give up and put pt to a "no coordinator" status. I believe this is best for two reasons: 1) Potentially more people get interested as they may want to take the place up. People that would otherwise skip GNOME and look for a different project were they wouldn't have to submit to someone else's rules; 2) I no longer feel responsible for selecting (quality assurance) nor am "in the way" of someone trying to pick up the project. As such, please tell me what else do I need to do to quit. Specially with bugzilla bugs. There are a few there on me, a few on other people I tried to get to work on this and I never took them back under me. Thank you for reading and for any help on this. Cheers! Duarte "HappyGuy" Loreto "Don't worry, be happy!"
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