Op 12-09-17 om 13:00 schreef Alexandre Franke:
On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 12:45 PM, Hannie Dumoleyn
<lafeber-dumole...@zonnet.nl> wrote:
Thanks for your answer. I downloaded gtk+ from the server. When I do 'git
branch' I get Master. So I did a checkout to gtk-3-22 before adding the
updated translations to /gtk+.
Should I upload the same finished translations (gtk and gtk-properties) to
Master and gtk-3-26?
What you should really have done is use Damned lies, upload the
translation to gtk-3-22 and check the “Sync to master” box. If you
still insist on using git, you can get the same result by using git
The reason why I "insist" on using git instead of DL is because I am not
sure if DL works well.
Example: Rygel was 100% translated
Under "Send to repository" I chose the fully translated file and I
clicked the send button. But when I look here,
https://l10n.gnome.org/languages/nl/gnome-3-26/ui/, I see it is not 100%
When I send a translation through git, after pressing F5 I see the
result immediately in https://l10n.gnome.org/languages/nl/gnome-3-26/ui/
Now I am not sure if Rygel is updated.
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