On Mon., 3 Jul. 2017, 13:56 Alexandre Franke, <afra...@gnome.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 1:09 PM, Carlos Soriano <csori...@gnome.org> wrote:
> >> There is a table on the wiki page. Coordinator satisfaction can depend
> >> on a number of criteria and should be defined on a per event basis.
> >
> > Inside the wide satisfaction level, could it be a more or less standard?
> As
> > in, maybe 100 strings of quality translated? It's just to give some very
> > basic guidelines, to avoid an event report like "yeah they learnt
> > something".
> Did you read the page? The table and agenda address that question.

I did. I don't feel that answers my question though...

> > Is the general guide I linked before good enough as a basic
> > guideline for someone that wants to organise such event?
> Not really. First of all that is not what that page is for (it’s
> information for people from the outside trying to join, not community
> members trying to organize an event) and second of all this page needs
> to be revamped (as many of the pages in that namespace).

Oh I mean as a kind of tutorial for the atendees, to avoid following some
workflow that is not expected (i.e. this happened "how to build GNOME" and
resulted in not so great experience)

> --
> Alexandre Franke
> GNOME Hacker & Foundation Director
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