This is an automatic notification from status generation scripts on:

There have been following string additions to module 'gtk+.gtk-3-22':

+ "%-e %b %Y"
    + "%-e %b"
    + "%l:%M %p"
    + "%p (%s)"
    + "%s / %s available"/"%s / %s available"
    + "%s already exists in the bookmarks list"
    + "%s does not exist in the bookmarks list"
    + "%s: error launching application: %s\n"
    + "%s: missing application name"
    + "%s: no such application %s"
    + "3.2 core GL profile is not available on EGL implementation"
    + "A file cannot be called “..”"
    + "A file cannot be called “.”"
    + "A file named “%s” already exists.  Do you want to replace it?"
    + "A file with that name already exists"
    + "A folder cannot be called “..”"
    + "A folder cannot be called “.”"
    + "A folder with that name already exists"
    + "APPLICATION [URI...] — launch an APPLICATION"
    + "About"
    + "Accessed"
    + "Accessible description"
    + "Accessible name"
    + "Accessible role"
    + "Action description"::"Activates the cell"
    + "Action description"::"Activates the color"
    + "Action description"::"Activates the entry"
    + "Action description"::"Activates the expander"
    + "Action description"::"Clicks the button"
    + "Action description"::"Clicks the menuitem"
    + "Action description"::"Creates a widget in which the contents of the cell 
can be edited"
    + "Action description"::"Customizes the color"
    + "Action description"::"Dismisses the slider"
    + "Action description"::"Expands or contracts the row in the tree view 
containing this cell"
    + "Action description"::"Pops up the slider"
    + "Action description"::"Presses the combobox"
    + "Action description"::"Selects the color"
    + "Action description"::"Toggles the cell"
    + "Action description"::"Toggles the switch"
    + "Action name"::"Activate"
    + "Action name"::"Click"
    + "Action name"::"Customize"
    + "Action name"::"Dismiss"
    + "Action name"::"Edit"
    + "Action name"::"Expand or contract"
    + "Action name"::"Popup"
    + "Action name"::"Press"
    + "Action name"::"Select"
    + "Action name"::"Toggle"
    + "Action"
    + "Actions"
    + "Activate"
    + "Add a new bookmark"
    + "Address"
    + "Allocation"
    + "Alpha"
    + "Always on Top"
    + "Always"
    + "Animations"
    + "AppleTalk"
    + "Application menu"
    + "Are you sure you want to permanently delete “%s”?"
    + "Artistic License 2.0"
    + "Attribute mapping"
    + "Attribute"
    + "Authentication is required to get attributes of job “%s”"
    + "Authentication is required to print document “%s” on printer %s"
    + "Authentication is required to print document “%s”"
    + "Available Protocols"
    + "BSD 2-Clause License"
    + "Backend does not support window scaling"
    + "Baseline"
    + "Binding:"
    + "Broadway display type not supported: %s"
    + "Buildable ID"
    + "CSS Property"
    + "CSS Selector"
    + "CSS nodes"
    + "CSS"
    + "C_ustomize"
    + "Can't close stream"
    + "Can't load file: %s\n"
    + "Can't parse file: %s\n"
    + "Can't save file %s: %s\n"
    + "Cance_l"
    + "Cannot create file as the filename is too long"
    + "Cell property %s::%s not found\n"
    + "Changes are applied instantly and globally, for the whole application."
    + "Child Properties"
    + "Child Visible"
    + "Class Hierarchy"
    + "Clear log"
    + "Click this palette entry to make it the current color. To change this 
entry, drag a color swatch here or right-click it and select “Save color here.”"
    + "Clip area"
    + "Close"
    + "Collect Statistics"
    + "Color Channel"::"S"
    + "Color Channel"::"V"
    + "Color Name"
    + "Color Plane"
    + "Color channel"::"A"
    + "Color channel"::"Alpha"
    + "Color channel"::"H"
    + "Color channel"::"Hue"
    + "Color management unavailable"
    + "Color name"::"Aluminum 1"
    + "Color name"::"Aluminum 2"
    + "Color name"::"Black"
    + "Color name"::"Butter"
    + "Color name"::"Chameleon"
    + "Color name"::"Chocolate"
    + "Color name"::"Dark Aluminum 1"
    + "Color name"::"Dark Aluminum 2"
    + "Color name"::"Dark Butter"
    + "Color name"::"Dark Chameleon"
    + "Color name"::"Dark Chocolate"
    + "Color name"::"Dark Gray"
    + "Color name"::"Dark Orange"
    + "Color name"::"Dark Plum"
    + "Color name"::"Dark Scarlet Red"
    + "Color name"::"Dark Sky Blue"
    + "Color name"::"Darker Gray"
    + "Color name"::"Light Aluminum 1"
    + "Color name"::"Light Aluminum 2"
    + "Color name"::"Light Butter"
    + "Color name"::"Light Chameleon"
    + "Color name"::"Light Chocolate"
    + "Color name"::"Light Gray"
    + "Color name"::"Light Orange"
    + "Color name"::"Light Plum"
    + "Color name"::"Light Scarlet Red"
    + "Color name"::"Light Sky Blue"
    + "Color name"::"Lighter Gray"
    + "Color name"::"Medium Gray"
    + "Color name"::"Orange"
    + "Color name"::"Plum"
    + "Color name"::"Scarlet Red"
    + "Color name"::"Sky Blue"
    + "Color name"::"Very Dark Gray"
    + "Color name"::"Very Light Gray"
    + "Color name"::"White"
    + "Color: %s"
    + "Column:"
    + "Composited"
    + "Computer"
    + "Con_nect"
    + "Connect As"
    + "Connect to Server"
    + "Connect to _Server"
    + "Connect to a network server address"
    + "Connected"
    + "Copy"
    + "Core GL is not available on EGL implementation"
    + "Couldn't parse value for %s::%s: %s\n"
    + "Count"
    + "Create Folder"
    + "Create a custom color"
    + "Created by"
    + "Creating AppInfo from id not supported on non unix operating systems"
    + "Cu_t"
    + "Cumulative 1"
    + "Cumulative 2"
    + "Cumulative"
    + "Cursor Size"
    + "Cursor Theme"
    + "Custom %s×%s"
    + "Custom License"
    + "Custom color %d: %s"
    + "Custom color"
    + "Custom"
    + "Cut"
    + "Dark Variant"
    + "Data"
    + "Default Application"
    + "Default Widget"
    + "Default"
    + "Defined At"
    + "Defined at: %p (%s)"
    + "Dialog is locked.\nClick to make changes"
    + "Dialog is unlocked.\nClick to prevent further changes"
    + "Disable this custom CSS"
    + "Disconnect"
    + "Display"
    + "Do you want to use GTK+ Inspector?"
    + "Don't show this message again"
    + "Dormant"
    + "Element <%s> not allowed at toplevel"
    + "Element <%s> not allowed inside <%s>"
    + "Enable statistics with GOBJECT_DEBUG=instance-count"
    + "Enabled"
    + "Enter Location"
    + "Enter location or URL"
    + "Enter location"
    + "Enter server address…"
    + "Error parsing commandline options: %s\n"
    + "Error"
    + "Failed to start GNOME Software"
    + "File Transfer Protocol"
    + "File names cannot contain “/”"
    + "File names should not begin with a space"
    + "File names should not end with a space"
    + "File names starting with a “.” are hidden"
    + "Focus Widget"
    + "Folder Name"
    + "Folder names cannot contain “/”"
    + "Folder names should not begin with a space"
    + "Folder names should not end with a space"
    + "Folder names starting with a “.” are hidden"
    + "Font Family"
    + "Font Scale"
    + "Forget association"
    + "Frame Clock"
    + "Frame count"
    + "Frame rate"
    + "GDK Backend"
    + "GL Rendering"
    + "GL Vendor"
    + "GL Version"
    + "GL rendering is disabled"
    + "GL support disabled via GDK_DEBUG"
    + "GL vendor"::"None"
    + "GL version"::"None"
    + "GLib must be configured with --enable-debug"
    + "GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 or later"
    + "GNU General Public License, version 2 only"
    + "GNU General Public License, version 2 or later"
    + "GNU General Public License, version 3 only"
    + "GNU General Public License, version 3 or later"
    + "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 only"
    + "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or later"
    + "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 only"
    + "GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or later"
    + "GTK+ Inspector is an interactive debugger that lets you explore and 
modify the internals of any GTK+ application. Using it may cause the 
application to break or crash."
    + "GTK+ Theme"
    + "GTK+ Version"
    + "Gestures"
    + "Getting printer information…"
    + "Hide %s"
    + "Hide Others"
    + "Home"
    + "Hue"
    + "ID"
    + "Icon '%s' not present in theme %s"
    + "Icon Theme"
    + "Icon"
    + "If you delete an item, it will be permanently lost."
    + "Ignore hidden"
    + "Image"
    + "Information"
    + "Intensity of the color."
    + "Invalid size %s\n"
    + "Is Toplevel"
    + "Label"
    + "Launch an application (specified by its desktop file name),\noptionally 
passing one or more URIs as arguments."
    + "Left-to-Right"
    + "Lock"
    + "Magnifier"
    + "Manage Custom Sizes…"
    + "Manually enter a location"
    + "Mapped"
    + "Margins from Printer…"
    + "Maximize"
    + "Menu"
    + "Minimize"
    + "Mnemonic Label"
    + "Mode"
    + "Model:"
    + "Mount and open “%s”"
    + "Move"
    + "Name:"
    + "Network File System"
    + "Networks"
    + "New accelerator…"
    + "New bookmark"
    + "No Fonts Found"
    + "No GL implementation is available"
    + "No Results Found"
    + "No applications found for “%s” files"
    + "No applications found for “%s”"
    + "No applications found for “%s”."
    + "No applications found."
    + "No available configurations for the given RGBA pixel format"
    + "No available configurations for the given pixel format"
    + "No network locations found"
    + "No profile available"
    + "No recent servers found"
    + "No recently used resource found with URI '%s'"
    + "No registered application with name '%s' for item with URI '%s' found"
    + "No results found"
    + "Not implemented on OS X"
    + "Not settable at runtime.\nUse GDK_GL=always or GDK_GL=disable instead"
    + "Number format"::"%d"
    + "Object"
    + "Object: %p (%s)"
    + "Objects"
    + "Offline"
    + "On This Computer"
    + "Online"
    + "Open in New _Tab"
    + "Open in New _Window"
    + "Open the contents of the file system"
    + "Open the contents of your desktop in a folder"
    + "Open the trash"
    + "Open your personal folder"
    + "OpenGL context creation failed"
    + "Opening “%s” files."
    + "Opening “%s”."
    + "Other Applications"
    + "Other Locations"
    + "Other application…"
    + "Other…"
    + "Output to this directory instead of cwd"
    + "Packing property %s::%s not found\n"
    + "Parameter Type"
    + "Paste"
    + "Path"
    + "Pointer: %p"
    + "Pre_view"
    + "Preferences"
    + "Prefix"
    + "Preview text"
    + "Printer “%s” has no toner left."
    + "Printer “%s” is currently offline."
    + "Printer “%s” is low on at least one marker supply."
    + "Printer “%s” is low on developer."
    + "Printer “%s” is low on paper."
    + "Printer “%s” is low on toner."
    + "Printer “%s” is out of at least one marker supply."
    + "Printer “%s” is out of developer."
    + "Printer “%s” is out of paper."
    + "Properties"
    + "Property %s::%s not found\n"
    + "Property"
    + "Question"
    + "Quit %s"
    + "RGBA visual"
    + "Realized"
    + "Recent Servers"
    + "Recent files"
    + "Recent"
    + "Recommended Applications"
    + "Recording"
    + "Red %d%%, Green %d%%, Blue %d%%"
    + "Red %d%%, Green %d%%, Blue %d%%, Alpha %d%%"
    + "Reference count"
    + "Registered U_ser"
    + "Related Applications"
    + "Remote location — only searching the current folder"
    + "Rename…"
    + "Rendering Mode"
    + "Request mode"
    + "Reset"
    + "Resize"
    + "Resources"
    + "Restore"
    + "Right-to-Left"
    + "Rotate clockwise"
    + "Rotate counterclockwise"
    + "SSH File Transfer Protocol"
    + "S_aturation:"
    + "Samba"
    + "Saturation"
    + "Save the current CSS"
    + "Saving CSS failed"
    + "Search Results"
    + "Search Shortcuts"
    + "Search font name"
    + "Searching for network locations"
    + "Searching in %s"
    + "Searching"
    + "Select Application"
    + "Select Font"
    + "Select _All"
    + "Select a Color"
    + "Select a filename"
    + "Select all"
    + "Select an Object"
    + "Selector"
    + "Self 1"
    + "Self 2"
    + "Self"
    + "Server Addresses"
    + "Server addresses are made up of a protocol prefix and an address. 
    + "Services"
    + "Setting is hardcoded by GTK_TEST_TOUCHSCREEN"
    + "Setting:"
    + "Shortcuts"
    + "Show All"
    + "Show Baselines"
    + "Show Details"
    + "Show Graphic Updates"
    + "Show Layout Borders"
    + "Show Pixel Cache"
    + "Show Widget Resizes"
    + "Show _Time"
    + "Show all Objects"
    + "Show all Resources"
    + "Show data"
    + "Show other locations"
    + "Show program version"
    + "Signal"
    + "Signals"
    + "Similar"
    + "Simulate touchscreen"
    + "Size Groups"
    + "Size:"
    + "Slowdown"
    + "Software GL"
    + "Software Surfaces"
    + "Sort _Folders before Files"
    + "Source:"
    + "Specify one or more page ranges,\n e.g. 1–3, 7, 11"
    + "Specify the time of print,\n e.g. 15∶30, 2∶35 pm, 14∶15∶20, 11∶46∶30 am, 
4 pm"
    + "State"
    + "Statistics"
    + "Stock label"::"_CD-ROM"
    + "Stock label"::"_File"
    + "Stock label"::"_Hard Disk"
    + "Style Classes"
    + "System policy prevents changes.\nContact your system administrator"
    + "Target"
    + "Text Direction"
    + "Text may not appear inside <%s>"
    + "Texture Rectangle Extension"
    + "The MIT License (MIT)"
    + "The WGL_ARB_create_context extension needed to create core profiles is 
not available"
    + "The color you’ve chosen. You can drag this color to a palette entry to 
save it for use in the future."
    + "The color you’ve chosen."
    + "The cover is open on printer “%s”."
    + "The current backend does not support OpenGL"
    + "The door is open on printer “%s”."
    + "The file already exists in “%s”.  Replacing it will overwrite its 
    + "The file could not be deleted"
    + "The file could not be moved to the Trash"
    + "The file could not be renamed"
    + "The item that you selected is not a folder try using a different item."
    + "The previously-selected color, for comparison to the color you’re 
selecting now. You can drag this color to a palette entry, or select this color 
as current by dragging it to the other color swatch alongside."
    + "The previously-selected color, for comparison to the color you’re 
selecting now."
    + "The program was not able to create a connection to the indexer daemon. 
Please make sure it is running."
    + "Theme is hardcoded by GTK_THEME"
    + "Theme"
    + "There is a problem on printer “%s”."
    + "This name is already taken"
    + "This program comes with absolutely no warranty.\nSee the <a 
href=\"%s\">%s</a> for details."
    + "Tick callback"
    + "Trace signal emissions on this object"
    + "Trash"
    + "Try \"%s --help\" for more information."
    + "Try a different search"
    + "Try using a shorter name."
    + "Turns volume up or down"
    + "Two finger pinch"
    + "Two finger stretch"
    + "Two finger swipe left"
    + "Two finger swipe right"
    + "Type"
    + "Type:"
    + "Unable to access location"
    + "Unable to access “%s”"
    + "Unable to create a GL context"
    + "Unable to eject %s"
    + "Unable to eject “%s”"
    + "Unable to get remote server location"
    + "Unable to move the item with URI '%s' to '%s'"
    + "Unable to poll “%s” for media changes"
    + "Unable to start “%s”"
    + "Unable to stop “%s”"
    + "Unable to unmount volume"
    + "Unable to unmount “%s”"
    + "Uneditable property type: %s"
    + "Unlock"
    + "Unmount"
    + "Unnamed section"
    + "Unspecified profile"
    + "Usage:\n  gtk-builder-tool [COMMAND] FILE\n\nCommands:\n  validate       
    Validate the file\n  simplify           Simplify the file\n  enumerate      
    List all named objects\n  preview [OPTIONS]  Preview the file\n\nPreview 
Options:\n  --id=ID            Preview only the named object\n  --css=FILE      
   Use style from CSS file\n\nPerform various tasks on GtkBuilder .ui files.\n"
    + "Value"
    + "Visual"
    + "Warning"
    + "WebDAV"
    + "Website"
    + "When needed"
    + "Window scaling"
    + "XSettings"
    + "Yes"
    + "Yesterday"
    + "You can enter an HTML-style hexadecimal color value, or simply a color 
name such as “orange” in this entry."
    + "You can temporarily disable this custom CSS by clicking on the “Pause” 
button above."
    + "You can type here any CSS rule recognized by GTK+."
    + "You do not have access to the specified folder."
    + "You may only select folders"
    + "_Add Bookmark"
    + "_Anonymous"
    + "_Apply"
    + "_Back"
    + "_Cancel"
    + "_Close"
    + "_Connect Drive"
    + "_Connect"
    + "_Copy Location"
    + "_Copy"
    + "_Create"
    + "_Delete"
    + "_Detect Media"
    + "_Disconnect Drive"
    + "_Disconnect"
    + "_Domain"
    + "_Eject"
    + "_Find New Applications"
    + "_Finish"
    + "_Help"
    + "_Lock Device"
    + "_Mount"
    + "_Move to Trash"
    + "_Name"
    + "_Next"
    + "_No"
    + "_OK"
    + "_Open With File Manager"
    + "_Open"
    + "_Password"
    + "_Paste"
    + "_Power On"
    + "_Print"
    + "_Remember password"
    + "_Remove"
    + "_Safely Remove Drive"
    + "_Save"
    + "_Select"
    + "_Show All"
    + "_Start Multi-disk Device"
    + "_Start"
    + "_Stop Multi-disk Device"
    + "_Stop"
    + "_Unlock Device"
    + "_Unmount"
    + "_Username"
    + "_View All Applications"
    + "_Visit File"
    + "_Yes"
    + "bidirectional"
    + "bidirectional, inverted"
    + "cover page"::"Classified"
    + "cover page"::"Confidential"
    + "cover page"::"None"
    + "cover page"::"Secret"
    + "cover page"::"Standard"
    + "cover page"::"Top Secret"
    + "cover page"::"Unclassified"
    + "dav:// or davs://"
    + "event phase"::"Bubble"
    + "event phase"::"Capture"
    + "event phase"::"None"
    + "event phase"::"Target"
    + "font"::"None"
    + "ftp:// or ftps://"
    + "input menthod menu"::"Cyrillic (Transliterated)"
    + "input method menu"::"Amharic (EZ+)"
    + "input method menu"::"Broadway"
    + "input method menu"::"Cedilla"
    + "input method menu"::"IPA"
    + "input method menu"::"Inuktitut (Transliterated)"
    + "input method menu"::"Mac OS X Quartz"
    + "input method menu"::"Multipress"
    + "input method menu"::"Simple"
    + "input method menu"::"Thai-Lao"
    + "input method menu"::"Tigrigna-Eritrean (EZ+)"
    + "input method menu"::"Tigrigna-Ethiopian (EZ+)"
    + "input method menu"::"Vietnamese (VIQR)"
    + "input method menu"::"Windows IME"
    + "input method menu"::"X Input Method"
    + "inverted"
    + "keyboard label"::"AudioLowerVolume"
    + "keyboard label"::"AudioMedia"
    + "keyboard label"::"AudioMicMute"
    + "keyboard label"::"AudioMute"
    + "keyboard label"::"AudioNext"
    + "keyboard label"::"AudioPause"
    + "keyboard label"::"AudioPlay"
    + "keyboard label"::"AudioPrev"
    + "keyboard label"::"AudioRaiseVolume"
    + "keyboard label"::"AudioRecord"
    + "keyboard label"::"AudioRewind"
    + "keyboard label"::"AudioStop"
    + "keyboard label"::"Back"
    + "keyboard label"::"Battery"
    + "keyboard label"::"Display"
    + "keyboard label"::"Forward"
    + "keyboard label"::"Hibernate"
    + "keyboard label"::"KbdBrightnessDown"
    + "keyboard label"::"KbdBrightnessUp"
    + "keyboard label"::"Launch1"
    + "keyboard label"::"MonBrightnessDown"
    + "keyboard label"::"MonBrightnessUp"
    + "keyboard label"::"ScreenSaver"
    + "keyboard label"::"Sleep"
    + "keyboard label"::"Suspend"
    + "keyboard label"::"TouchpadToggle"
    + "keyboard label"::"WLAN"
    + "keyboard label"::"WakeUp"
    + "keyboard label"::"WebCam"
    + "keyboard side marker"::"L"
    + "keyboard side marker"::"R"
    + "output"
    + "output-bin"::"Bottom Bin"
    + "output-bin"::"Center Bin"
    + "output-bin"::"Face Down Bin"
    + "output-bin"::"Face Up Bin"
    + "output-bin"::"Large Capacity Bin"
    + "output-bin"::"Left Bin"
    + "output-bin"::"Mailbox %d"
    + "output-bin"::"Middle Bin"
    + "output-bin"::"My Mailbox"
    + "output-bin"::"Rear Bin"
    + "output-bin"::"Right Bin"
    + "output-bin"::"Side Bin"
    + "output-bin"::"Stacker %d"
    + "output-bin"::"Top Bin"
    + "output-bin"::"Tray %d"
    + "paper size"::"10×11"
    + "paper size"::"10×13"
    + "paper size"::"10×14"
    + "paper size"::"10×15"
    + "paper size"::"11×12"
    + "paper size"::"11×15"
    + "paper size"::"12×19"
    + "paper size"::"5×7"
    + "paper size"::"6×9 Envelope"
    + "paper size"::"7×9 Envelope"
    + "paper size"::"8×10 Envelope"
    + "paper size"::"9×11 Envelope"
    + "paper size"::"9×12 Envelope"
    + "paper size"::"A0×2"
    + "paper size"::"A0×3"
    + "paper size"::"A1×3"
    + "paper size"::"A1×4"
    + "paper size"::"A2×3"
    + "paper size"::"A2×4"
    + "paper size"::"A2×5"
    + "paper size"::"A3×3"
    + "paper size"::"A3×4"
    + "paper size"::"A3×5"
    + "paper size"::"A3×6"
    + "paper size"::"A3×7"
    + "paper size"::"A4×3"
    + "paper size"::"A4×4"
    + "paper size"::"A4×5"
    + "paper size"::"A4×6"
    + "paper size"::"A4×7"
    + "paper size"::"A4×8"
    + "paper size"::"A4×9"
    + "paper size"::"Choukei 40 Envelope"
    + "paper size"::"Fan-Fold European"
    + "paper size"::"Fan-Fold German Legal"
    + "paper size"::"Fan-Fold US"
    + "paper size"::"Index 3×5"
    + "paper size"::"Index 4×6 (postcard)"
    + "paper size"::"Index 4×6 ext"
    + "paper size"::"Index 5×8"
    + "paper size"::"Large Photo"
    + "paper size"::"Medium Photo"
    + "paper size"::"Oficio"
    + "paper size"::"Photo L"
    + "paper size"::"RA3"
    + "paper size"::"RA4"
    + "paper size"::"SRA3"
    + "paper size"::"SRA4"
    + "paper size"::"Wide Photo"
    + "paper size"::"kaku3 Envelope"
    + "paper size"::"kaku4 Envelope"
    + "paper size"::"kaku5 Envelope"
    + "paper size"::"kaku7 Envelope"
    + "paper size"::"kaku8 Envelope"
    + "paper size"::"you6 Envelope"
    + "printer option value"::"Unavailable"
    + "printer option"::"After"
    + "printer option"::"Before"
    + "printer option"::"Page Ordering"
    + "printer option"::"Pages per Sheet"
    + "printer option"::"Print at time"
    + "printer option"::"Print at"
    + "printer option"::"Printer Profile"
    + "printing option group"::"Miscellaneous"
    + "printing option value"::"Auto Select"
    + "printing option value"::"Convert to PS level 1"
    + "printing option value"::"Convert to PS level 2"
    + "printing option value"::"Embed GhostScript fonts only"
    + "printing option value"::"Long Edge (Standard)"
    + "printing option value"::"No pre-filtering"
    + "printing option value"::"One Sided"
    + "printing option value"::"Printer Default"
    + "printing option value"::"Short Edge (Flip)"
    + "printing option"::"GhostScript pre-filtering"
    + "printing option"::"Output Tray"
    + "printing option"::"Paper Source"
    + "printing option"::"Paper Type"
    + "printing option"::"Resolution"
    + "printing option"::"Two Sided"
    + "progress bar label"::"%.0f %%"
    + "progress bar label"::"%d %%"
    + "property name"::"None"
    + "sftp:// or ssh://"
    + "sides"::"Long Edge (Standard)"
    + "sides"::"One Sided"
    + "sides"::"Short Edge (Flip)"
    + "sizegroup mode"::"Both"
    + "sizegroup mode"::"Horizontal"
    + "sizegroup mode"::"None"
    + "sizegroup mode"::"Vertical"
    + "smb://"
    + "smb://, ssh://"
    + "switch"::"OFF"
    + "switch"::"ON"
    + "type name"::"Unknown"
    + "volume percentage"::"%d %%"

Note that this doesn't directly indicate a string freeze break, but it
might be worth investigating.
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