Le 25. 08. 16 à 17:32, Piotr Drąg a écrit :
Hi translators,

mutter and gnome-shell recently moved from intltool to gettext [1][2].
Unfortunately, they use a gettext feature that is not yet supported by
damned-lies, so some strings (namely shortcut names for
gnome-control-center's keyboard panel) are missing.

Hopefully, the issue will be resolved soon, but in the mean time, I
have prepared .pot files that you can use to msgmerge your
translations, before you commit them to git. You can find them here:


Hello Piotr,

gettext has been kindly upgraded on l10n.gnome.org by Andrea.
What xgettext syntax did you use to extract those additional strings (let's take mutter for example)?

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