This is an automatic notification from status generation scripts on:

There have been following string additions to module 'gtk+.gtk-3-16':

+ "A_t:"
    + "About"
    + "Accessible description"
    + "Accessible name"
    + "Accessible role"
    + "Actions"
    + "Add Cover Page"
    + "Add a class"
    + "Address"
    + "Advanced"
    + "All Files"
    + "All sheets"
    + "Allocated size"
    + "Alpha"
    + "Always"
    + "Animations"
    + "Attribute"
    + "Be_fore:"
    + "Buildable ID"
    + "CSS"
    + "C_ollate"
    + "C_urrent Page"
    + "Child Properties"
    + "Child Visible"
    + "Clear log"
    + "Clip area"
    + "Collect Statistics"
    + "Color Channel"::"S"
    + "Color Channel"::"V"
    + "Color Name"
    + "Color channel"::"A"
    + "Color channel"::"H"
    + "Color"
    + "Composited"
    + "Connected"
    + "Copie_s:"
    + "Copies"
    + "Count"
    + "Create Folder"
    + "Credits"
    + "Cumulative 1"
    + "Cumulative 2"
    + "Cumulative"
    + "Cursor Size"
    + "Cursor Theme"
    + "Dark Variant"
    + "Data"
    + "Decreases the volume"
    + "Default Widget"
    + "Defined At"
    + "Disable this custom CSS"
    + "Disabled"
    + "Down Path"
    + "Enable statistics with GOBJECT_DEBUG=instance-count"
    + "Enabled"
    + "Even sheets"
    + "Files"
    + "Finishing"
    + "Focus Widget"
    + "Font Family"
    + "Font"
    + "Frame count"
    + "Frame rate"
    + "GDK Backend"
    + "GL Rendering"
    + "GL Vendor"
    + "GL Version"
    + "GTK+ Theme"
    + "GTK+ Version"
    + "General"
    + "Gestures"
    + "Hide %s"
    + "Hide Others"
    + "Hierarchy"
    + "Hold the job until it is explicitly released"
    + "Hue"
    + "Icon Theme"
    + "Icon"
    + "Image Quality"
    + "Image"
    + "Increases the volume"
    + "Is Toplevel"
    + "Job Details"
    + "Job"
    + "Label"
    + "Landscape"
    + "Layout"
    + "Left-to-Right"
    + "Magnifier"
    + "Mapped"
    + "Mnemonic Label"
    + "Modified"
    + "Name"
    + "Name:"
    + "No applications found."
    + "No fonts matched your search. You can revise your search and try again."
    + "Object Hierarchy"
    + "Object"
    + "Objects"
    + "Odd sheets"
    + "On _hold"
    + "Or_ientation:"
    + "Output t_ray:"
    + "Pag_es:"
    + "Page or_dering:"
    + "Pages per _side:"
    + "Pages"
    + "Paper _source:"
    + "Paper _type:"
    + "Paper"
    + "Parameter Type"
    + "Path"
    + "Portrait"
    + "Preferences"
    + "Prefix"
    + "Pri_ority:"
    + "Print Document"
    + "Printer"
    + "Property"
    + "Quit %s"
    + "RGBA visual"
    + "Range"
    + "Realized"
    + "Recording"
    + "Reference count"
    + "Rendering Mode"
    + "Resources"
    + "Restore defaults for this widget"
    + "Reverse landscape"
    + "Reverse portrait"
    + "Right-to-Left"
    + "Saturation"
    + "Save the current CSS"
    + "Sc_ale:"
    + "Se_lection"
    + "Search font name"
    + "Select Font"
    + "Select a Color"
    + "Select an Object"
    + "Select which type of documents are shown"
    + "Select which types of files are shown"
    + "Selector"
    + "Self 1"
    + "Self 2"
    + "Self"
    + "Services"
    + "Show All"
    + "Show Baselines"
    + "Show Details"
    + "Show Graphic Updates"
    + "Show Pixel Cache"
    + "Show all Objects"
    + "Show all Resources"
    + "Show data"
    + "Signals"
    + "Similar"
    + "Simulate touchscreen"
    + "Size Groups"
    + "Size"
    + "Size:"
    + "Software GL"
    + "Software Surfaces"
    + "Some of the settings in the dialog conflict"
    + "Specify one or more page ranges,\n e.g. 1–3, 7, 11"
    + "Specify the time of print,\n e.g. 15∶30, 2∶35 pm, 14∶15∶20, 11∶46∶30 am, 
4 pm"
    + "Statistics"
    + "Status"
    + "Style Classes"
    + "Style Properties"
    + "T_wo-sided:"
    + "Text Direction"
    + "Texture Rectangle Extension"
    + "Tick callback"
    + "Time of print"
    + "Trace signal emissions on this object"
    + "Turns volume up or down"
    + "Type"
    + "Type:"
    + "Up Path"
    + "Value"
    + "Visual"
    + "Volume Down"
    + "Volume Up"
    + "Volume"
    + "When needed"
    + "Window scaling"
    + "X display"
    + "_After:"
    + "_All Pages"
    + "_Back"
    + "_Billing info:"
    + "_Find New Applications"
    + "_Finish"
    + "_Format for:"
    + "_Next"
    + "_Now"
    + "_Only print:"
    + "_Orientation:"
    + "_Paper size:"
    + "_Reverse"
    + "_View All Applications"

Note that this doesn't directly indicate a string freeze break, but it
might be worth investigating.
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