Le 25. 09. 15 08:23, Timo Jyrinki a écrit :
2015-09-24 17:20 GMT+03:00 Jiri Grönroos <jiri.gronr...@iki.fi>:
time, and we don't have any members in the commiter role. Our current
coordinator, Ilkka Tuohela [4], has agreed to step down and give the
coordinator role to me. He will most likely give his blessing to this change
on this mailing list if needed.
Hey. I'm the Git committer that has committed many of Jiri's translations.
You can find his commits with jiri.gronroos+l...@iki.fi in most of the projects.
FWIW, I fully support giving the coordinator hat to Jiri, as Ilkka has wished
for such thing to happen for a long time now. Jiri's translations are top notch,
as are his technical skills.
Thanks for this confirmation. However, it would be nice to have also a
confirmation by the leaving coordinator, Ilkka.
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