09/11/2014 00:56, sgrìobh Jan Claeys:
> Baurzhan Muftakhidinov schreef op za 08-11-2014 om 19:20 [+0600]:
>> While using Nautilus with Kazakh l10n,
>> I notice that disk volumes are named
>> "20 GB Volume", in my case it looks like
>> "20 GB томы". So the unit (MB, GB) is not localized and
>> I couldn't find where it comes from.
>> I checked nautilus, glib, gvfs, udisks - no luck.
>> So, where these units are translated?
> Are you sure you want to "translate" these?  They are symbols defined by
> international standards...

... and translated in the CLDR


MByte   МБайт
{0} MB  {0} MБ
{0} MB  {0} MБ

So, although I don't speak Kazakh, this is a definite "yes" :)
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