On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 2:35 AM, Florian HEGRON <hog...@iiiha.com> wrote:
> Hello,

Bonjour ! ;-)

> I have a problem.

We may have the solution.

> I suscribed few hours ago to help to translate in french the
> gtkmm-documentation.

Welcome to our team. I see that you subscribed to the gnomefr list as
well, be aware that you can ask your questions in French there too.

> I don't get the good file. So I worked on the bad file along many times.

Where did you get the file from? You should get your files from Damned
lies and therefore you should face such issues.

> I would like to merge my work on the good file without loss.

You should be able to use msgmerge for that task. man msgmerge will
help you with the syntax.

> What is the best way please ?

The best way is to use Damned lies to get your file (and making the
reservation by the way to ensure that the work is not done twice by
different people).

Alexandre Franke
gnome-i18n mailing list

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