I use it to create the translation memory for Gtranslator, but it must be
done with Gtranslator itself. Once done, you can distribute the file
generated (it's a .db of about 15MB, depending of the language).

Rafael: Can Gtranslator read/use TMX files?

2013/11/4 Enrico Nicoletto <live...@gmail.com>

> Speaking about translation memory, do you know how to create a glossary
> based on the translation memory and
> who works with POEdit or Gtranslator?
> I would like to create a file to share with the members of my team.
> Thanks a lot,
> Enrico.
> _______________________
> Em 04/11/2013 10:58, Daniel Mustieles García escreveu:
>  Maybe this is a simpler script to get all the PO files from DL (I use it
>> to download them and create the translation memory).
>> Nothe that you have to change your language code in the DL_URL variable
>> Cheers!
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