How can I have a translation committed, when there are no active
committers in the team.

Committing Swedish translations to the Gnome project has previously
been handled by Christian Rose and Daniel Nylander.  Both of them were
very active once, but both are busy with other things these days.  So
when a bug report (
showed up, I decided to try to fix it myself.

I've fixed the bug that was reported.  (There is more to update in
this catalog, it is not current.  But one thing at the time.)  I've
also submitted it via the web page
(  But
since I'm not a committer, I can't take it any further.  And since the
group's committers are no longer active, I suspect it won't happen
anything more with it.  It doesn't even appear to be available
anywhere on the web as far as I can tell.

So what is the best way to go on from here?  Can someone on this list
pick up my update and commit it, perhaps?
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