Can anyone explain what the meaning of "calendar:MY" is and how it should
be translated. Literally "kalendar:MIN" in Danish, but I fear some secret
syntax is at play here.


2013/9/27 Piotr Drąg <>

> 2013/9/27 GNOME Status Pages <>:
> > This is an automatic notification from status generation scripts on:
> >
> >
> > There have been following string additions to module
> 'gnome-shell.gnome-3-0':
> >
> > + "calendar:MY"
> >     + "calendar:week_start:0"
> >
> Hi good folks of i18n,
> This is fallout from updating gettext on damned-lies to the newest
> version, which in itself is a very good thing. Strings in JavaScript
> are now extracted *correctly*, therefore we get "new" strings in
> gnome-shell. I know it's tempting to update old branches to have 100%
> in statistics, but please avoid doing that if you can. There will be
> no new releases on anything older than 3.10, so updating master should
> be enough. If you absolutely need to do that though, that's also not
> the end of the world. ;)
> And big thanks to Andrea Veri for updating gettext! We really
> appreciate your work.
> --
> Piotr Drąg
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