El dt 18 de 09 de 2012 a les 11:40 +0000, en/na Stefan Walter va
> The branch 'gnome-3-4' was created pointing to:
>  8e0d0cc... Release 3.4.0

Hi Stefan,

Congratulations for a new release ;)

As I haven't seen any announcement but I see that you already have a
translation, would you like to have seahorse-sharing in l10n.gnome.org
so that translators can start translating it?

To translators, right now is quite small: 97 words (22 strings).

Gil Forcada

[ca] guifi.net - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer
[en] guifi.net - a non-stopping free network
bloc: http://gil.badall.net
planet: http://planet.guifi.net

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