Hello all,
I would like to ask for a string freeze break in gnome-3-4 branch of
evolution-ews, to be able to commit patch for bug [1], where I changes 1
string, removed one string and added 4 new strings for translation. One
string is an error message when user tries to "Check for Supported
Types" from Evolution's Edit->Preferences->Mail Accounts-><ews
account>->Edit->tab Receiving Email, the error reads:
   Query for authentication types is not supported
This one is not that important and can be skipped, but the other
changes, also on the same tab, on the left of this button are important,
thus users can choose which authentication method should be used when
connecting to Exchange server. The other new strings are "NTLM" and
"Basic", with their descriptions.

As is written in the bug [1], libsoup fixed its bug about using Basic
authentication when NTLM fails [2] before its 2.37.91 release, which
makes evolution-ews unusable for Exchange servers which support only
Basic authentication. This fix and need of change on evolution-ews side
wasn't noticed soon enough, before string freeze, unfortunately.
        Thanks and bye,

[1] https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=677007
[2] http://git.gnome.org/browse/libsoup/commit/?h=gnome-3-4&id=cf377b1b6

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