Le mardi 28 février 2012 à 21:46 +0100, Andre Klapper a écrit :
> Gil,
> you're as usual too fast for me. :)
> Short answer: Today I closed merchant, libgnomedb, esound, mcatalog,
> desktop-data-model, gnome-cups-manager, gnome-mount.
> In case they are listed on l10n.gnome.org, they should be removed.


Thanks for the house-keeping!


> Long version, partially offtopic:
> On Tue, 2012-02-28 at 21:29 +0100, Gil Forcada wrote:
> > Hi translators,
> > 
> > Seems that we should remove does modules from l10n.gnome.org :)
> > 
> > Andre, is there any way that we (gnome-i18n mailing list) can get
> > notifications when modules are archived?
> The draft on my computer named "Killing dead projects in GNOME"
> currently lists contacting gnome-i18n for exactly this reason, but it
> was still on the ToDo-list until I have a better overview and more data
> collected. Realized today that just asking maintainers about Bugzilla
> does not make sense, should also ask about archiving in Git etc...
> <----snip--->
> Killing dead projects
> * Identifying dead projects
>  * git activity
> If a project seems dead:
> * Contact its maintainers - check the MAINTAINERS or .doap 
>   file in the git repository
> * Once it is decided that the project is dead:
> * Bugzilla
>  * Close module for new bug entry
>  * Mass-close open tickets of the module as WONTFIX by using template
>  * Move to "Deprecated" classification
>  * File request in "sysadmin" Bugzilla product to move product
>    to the git archive (Z_Archived) - explain that codebase is still
>    accessible by adding "/archive" in the URI
> * Notify l10n to remove from damned-lies
> * Dead mailing lists: Do we archive them?
> <----/snip--->
> Anything missing?
> In general I wonder which mailing list to use to discuss community
> metrics. I ran a script for each module in GNOME Git telling me the
> number of git commits in the last 1,2,3,4 years, its Bugzilla
> classification, the number of open Bugzilla reports, if it's listed on
> l10n.gnome.org, and which jhbuild moduleset it is part of.
> Problem is that we have no "complete" data source, all available ones
> are different, so I still have to manually find modules that are listed
> in Bugzilla but not in GNOME Git.
> Once my gathered data is clearer and cleaner I plan to publish the
> results table so we can all have fun cleaning up. Or not. :P
> andre

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