I am trying to push commits to gimp-nn.po.

For reference, this is the git command I used:

  $ git commit --author 'Kolbjørn Stuestøl <kolbjo...@stuestoel.no>' -m 
'Updated Norwegian Nynorsk translation'

I then used cherry-pick to commit the same fix to both master and
gimp-2-6 branches.

I had cloned the repo a couple of days ago, and forgot to rebase
before I committed the changed file. As one would expect, my push
failed because the remote repo had new patches. So I tried to rebase.

  $ git pull --rebase
  First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
  /sw/lib/git-core/git-am: line 682: Stuestøl: command not found
  Patch does not have a valid e-mail address.

What happens here? My guess would be that git somehow chokes on the
non-ascii characters in the author name when doing string splitting.
Or am I doing something wrong?

Git 1.7.8, installed via Fink. Mac OS 10.5.8.

Åsmund Skjæveland

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