2011/10/31 Andika Triwidada <and...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/10/30 Коростіль Данило <ted.korosti...@gmail.com>
>> I've added two tasks already. I'll try add more ones later.
>> Thank you!
> Hello,
> Ted's two entries
> https://live.gnome.org/GoogleCodeIn/Tasks#Translate_PiTiVi_documentation_into_Ukrainian
> https://live.gnome.org/GoogleCodeIn/Tasks#Translate_GAP_.28GIMP.29_into_Ukrainian
> stated more 7 and 10 days time estimation, while guideline at
> https://live.gnome.org/GoogleCodeIn/HowToWriteAGoodTask#Guidelines
> suggest 2 to 5 days.
> https://live.gnome.org/GoogleCodeIn/Tasks#Translate_Gedit_documentation_into_Latvian
> offers an alternative by breaking a long task into two smaller ones.
> Which way is preferred at GNOME?
> Regards,
> Andika

Andre has broken the 10 days task into two smaller ones :D

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