On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 09:53, Baptiste Mille-Mathias
<baptiste.millemath...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 9:40 AM, Olav Vitters <o...@vitters.nl> wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 10:44:32PM +0100, Bastien Nocera wrote:
>>> I think that, at the very least for GNOME 3.4 onwards, we should switch
>>> to using a keyword in bugzilla, and the release-team, docs team and i18n
>>> teams can monitor newly request breaks, through RSS feeds (the design
>>> team does that), and get the keywords cleared when the freeze break has
>>> a result.
>> The Bugzilla way of doing this is to use flags. A flag is either defined
>> for attachments _or_ (not and) bugs. This is possible on our currently
>> bugzilla; we just do not use them.
>> For flags you could have e.g.
>> code_freeze_break flag
>> string_freeze_break flag
>> ui_freeze_break flag
>> or perhaps just freeze_break (bit easier IMO)
>> Flags can have 3 things:
>>  ?   request it to be set
>>  -   request denied
>>  +   request approved
>> Then there are settings to control:
>> * who can request
>> * who can approve/deny
>> * who should be cc'ed on the request (release-team, etc)
>> Drawbacks:
>> * IMO UI is complicated and Bugzilla is slower than just email
>> * I think only the request gets CC'ed to release-team. None of the
>>  following comments will be (AFAIK.. could be wrong)
>>  that would be pretty annoying
>> * it is either + or -.. nothing about needing two approvals. Can be
>>  solved by using comments though (1st person says +1 in a comment;
>>  second sets the '+' on the flag).
>> Flags have a lot of options, so above is my idea about how it should be
>> used. Some of the stuff is IMO just confusing.
> As Bastien reported it is also hard to know we're currently on string
> freeze period; would be possible to have some banner information
> displayed in bugzilla for official modules during freeze stating the
> current restriction ?
There could be a shared calendar. I have my own to know when we
release and when are we in string freeze and such. It's very easy.

> Regards

> --
> Baptiste Mille-Mathias
> Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés
> [w] http://damnpeople.fr
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