On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 4:47 AM, Claude Paroz <cla...@2xlibre.net> wrote:
> If noone objects and if you give us the exact branches targeted by the
> upcoming OLPC release, we could create an OLPC release set on
> l10n.gnome.org.

Dear Claude,

I have forwarded your kind offer to the OLPC-devel list.  I'm just a
L10n coordinator and I think that the current release manager (Daniel
Drake) would be in a better position to respond.

11.2.0 is going to be out in a few days, so your offer might not have
an immediate impact (things being locked in at the moment with RC4
published already), but it can be anticipated that there may be
fast-follow-on 11.2.1 release that might benefit (also allowing
sufficient time for localizers to do their work).

The branches used are generally 2.32 (or at least most current
pre-3.0).  Sugar Labs / OLPC are in the process of developing the
roadmap forward to gtk3+ and PyGi and so at some point  I imagine the
3.0 packages will also be needed, but that is "future-tense

A full list of packages for a very recent development build can be
found at the link below (not all of them GNOME packages), but I'm not
100% sure if there have been any changes when 11.2.0 went into release
candidate status.  Hopefully the OLPC devels can shed more light on


Warmest Regards,

gnome-i18n mailing list

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