On Tue, 2011-07-12 at 18:46 -0500, Federico Mena Quintero wrote:
> Dear translators,
> I've just pushed some changes to the file chooser in the gtk+ module,
> specifically to the gtk-2-24 branch.  Although right now the focus is
> 3.x, we will likely have another release in the 2.24.x series for GTK+.
> Please update your translations there :)
> (The idea is to have the file chooser as similar as possible between
> 2.24.x and 3.x, so that even apps which still require GTK+ 2 will get
> all the goodness - and users will get consistent behavior.)

But why do that in stable releases? Unless there's a very very (very
very) good reason to break the freeze, the stable branches should only
see bug fixes. Why was this pushed to stable branches?

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